​We will purchase land specifically near our English offices/depots in ESSEX and our Scottish depot in STIRLINGSHIRE.
​We will create woodland and bee-friendly wild garden areas at both venues.


"just because it is doesn't mean it should be"

​We will increase the national coverage of ReWORK and strengthen the delivery of Social Values to our customers and potential customers.
​We will continue to champion bee pollinator corridors and work closely with professionals to implement the best urban solutions along side customers, other like-minded businesses and the UK Horticultural industry.
​We will build a store(s) that offers products and solutions online that are specifically linked to our 5 year plans.

Over the next 5 years we would like to purchase land in both the County of Essex and in Scotland.
Why purchase land in these places and what is the benefit?
Essex is where it all started for us as a group. Essex is home and Scotland, more specifically the Stirlingshire region, is where we are establishing the business next! We have built the foundation of our businesses on community - tomorrows generation and, of course, environmental needs. With the purchase of land in these two areas we will look to create a blueprint that can be followed in years to come. The blueprint will consist of tree planting, creating woodland areas for nature to thrive, and the building of an educational centre for charities and communities to use and educate from. We will also create wild gardens and pollinating areas for bees to thrive and, with the use of technology, be able to relay how and why species of pollinating plants and specific trees have been planted and the benefits these have to nature and the environment.
We have also stated that we will grow our ReWork initiative so more people nationwide can benefit from the re-use of commercial office furniture, supporting our environmental push and our community engagement. We also hope to be able to push into the domestic market and set up a blueprint to support families this way.
We have, and will continue to come up with, fun and interactive ways of creating pollinator corridors for commercial customers and local councils - utilising space in urban areas in order for commercial organisations to do there bit whilst also educating and engaging with customers - and for councils to do the same with their communities.
The development and progression of the retail element of Workhorse Group will be specific to our environmental goals. It will be built in a completely transparent way allowing organisations and the public to purchase items that will not only make a real difference environmentally, but will mean they help support and educate others to the difference they are making, and what part the item purchased will play in tomorrows world.